Creating Reports

To create reports:

  1. Click the Reports tab in the application toolbar.

  2. Select the report type from the side panel.

  3. Select the content, the station/route, and the time period, as applicable.

  4. Click the Create PDF report button or the Create Excel report button.

    NOTE: You can preview the Excel report by clicking the Preview button. The report content is displayed in your browser.

  5. The system generates a report:

NOTE: To view the PDF reports, you need a PDF browser. You can, for example, download Acrobat® Reader® from the Adobe web site for free.

NOTE: To view the Excel reports, you need Microsoft Excel or other software for viewing .xls files.


PDF Report from Archived Data

  1. Select the archived data you want to include in the report, see topic Archived Data.

  2. When the data from the selected time is displayed, continue creating the report as described above.

NOTE: Some data will only be available for a limited time period. For example, camera images and map layers might only be stored for a few months, depending on the data retention policies used.


See also:

Reports View Basics