Using Search in Help

To search for a word, do the following:

  1. Click the Search button above the contents panel, or use the Search field on the upper right corner of the page.

  2. Type the word in the search field and press ENTER.

    A list of the topic pages where the word occurs is displayed, with the beginning of the page contents. The pages with higher relevance are displayed at the top of the list.

    NOTE: For instructions on searching for several words, see instructions below.

  3. Click the page titles to view the topic page. The selected page is displayed on the right with the searched word(s) highlighted.


To search for several words, do one of the following:

To search for a part of a word, do the following:

NOTE:  This online help covers only some typical standard options and selections, for example, for items that you can select from lists. Depending on your organization and your user rights in the organization, you may have customer-specific options available that are not covered in this online help.


See also:

Using Help Pages

Application Parts