The application consists of the following main parts:
Application header: Application name, station group selection, access to archived data, time, and logout.
Application toolbar: Toggling between the available views, settings, and access to Help.
Map View: Map with road weather stations and selected information layers, including radar animation.
Station Summary View: Observation data from the stations.
Station Wall: Displays the available camera images, wind roses, and graphs from the stations.
Stations View: "Single station view": Present weather data, camera images, graphs, and forecasts for the selected station, as configured.
Forecast View: Displays the available weather forecasts in text format.
Alerts View: Displays pre-configured alerts indicating, for example, when weather conditions have exceeded the preset limit. If configured, includes the option for adjusting the alerts.
Reports View: Generates several types of reports in PDF or Excel format.
Admin View: If configured, administrator-level users can make some system adjustments, for example, configure station groups and contact lists.
Time Line Controls for viewing past observations and forecasts 24 hours before and after current time.
Archived data: For viewing archived data from the past.
Use the application toolbar buttons to select between the views.
NOTE: Depending on your user rights in your organization, you may not have access to all the options described here.
See also:
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