Graph Tab States and Icons

In the Graph tab of the Stations View, if the selected item is a state, for example, road surface state or rain state, the state is indicated with icons and text below the graphs.

For instructions on selecting the parameters, see topic Graph Tab Basics.


The road weather station used and the forecast provider determine which road surface states are displayed in your system.

The system enables displaying the following observed road surface states (examples):

The system enables displaying the following forecast road surface states (examples):

Wind Icons

Wind direction and wind speed average are indicated with icons at the bottom of the Graph tab:

Rain State Icons

Rain state is indicated with icons and text below the graphs:

The following rain states can be displayed:

Cloud Type Icons

Cloud type is indicated with icons and text below the graphs:

The following cloud types can be displayed:

Removing State Icons

Click the Close icon that is displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the state name label:

You can add the state icons again at any time using the Add icon .


See also:

Graph Lines

Stations View Basics

Graph Tab  Basics

Application Parts